from numpy import *
Import the COBRApy (Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis in Python) package to load and explore SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language) models.
import cobra
Import the NetworkX and igraph packages for statistics on the underlying network topologies:
import networkx
import igraph
Import RDKit and its necessary packages to visualize chemical elements and reactions.
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdChemReactions as Reactions
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
Load the model downloaded from the BiGG database ( and check some basic properties. More information and useful tutorials can be found on
model ='iJO1366.json')
print('Nb of reactions: ',len(model.reactions))
print('Nb of metabolites: ',len(model.metabolites))
print('Nb of genes: ',len(model.genes))
Nb of reactions: 2583 Nb of metabolites: 1805 Nb of genes: 1367
Here we choose a custom reaction, check some of its properties and visualize it by RDKit
rexpl = 603
reaction = model.reactions[rexpl]
for r in reaction.reactants:
print("NAME =",, "| FORMULA =", r.formula)
NAME = L-Alanine | FORMULA = C3H7NO2 NAME = Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate | FORMULA = C8H8NO6P
for p in reaction.products:
print("NAME =",, "| FORMULA =", p.formula)
NAME = Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate | FORMULA = C8H12N2O5P NAME = Pyruvate | FORMULA = C3H3O3
print("Name of reaction:",
Name of reaction: Alanine transaminase
Converting reaction names to SMILES (Symplified Molecular Input Line Entry System,, used by RDKit. One can use for example this online automatic converter:
name2smiles = {
"L-Alanine" : "N[C@@H](C)C(=O)O",
"Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate" : "P(=O)(O)(O)OCC=1C(=C(C(=NC1)C)O)C=O",
"Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate" : "P(=O)(O)(O)OCC=1C(=C(C(=NC1)C)O)CN",
"Pyruvate" : "C(C(=O)C)(=O)[O-]"
Visualize a metabolite:
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(name2smiles["Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate"])
Visualize a reaction:
rxn = Reactions.ReactionFromSmarts(name2smiles["L-Alanine"]+"."+name2smiles["Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate"]+">>"+
name2smiles["Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate"]+"."+
name2smiles["Pyruvate"], useSmiles=True)
Convert SBML model to NetworkX graph object:
def SBML2NetworkX(model):
graph = networkx.DiGraph()
for i in range(len(model.reactions)):
Ri = model.reactions[i]
if Ri.reversibility == False:
Rir = Ri.reactants
Rip = Ri.products
for j in range(len(Rir)):
for k in range(len(Rip)):
if (Rir[j].id[-1:] != 'e') and (Rip[k].id[-1:] != 'e'):
graph.add_edge(Rir[j].id, Rip[k].id)
if Ri.reversibility == True:
Rir = Ri.reactants
Rip = Ri.products
for j in range(len(Rir)):
for k in range(len(Rip)):
if (Rir[j].id[-1:] != 'e') and (Rip[k].id[-1:] != 'e'):
graph.add_edge(Rir[j].id, Rip[k].id)
graph.add_edge(Rip[k].id, Rir[j].id)
return graph
gnx = SBML2NetworkX(model)
Extract the edge-list and save it for further use:
gnx = networkx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(gnx)
EL = array(gnx.edges).astype("int32")
Read back edge-list and construct igraph Graph object:
EL = fromfile("expl_metabolic.bin", dtype = int32).reshape((-1, 2)) # read in binary file
EL = EL[where((EL[:, 0] == EL[:, 1]) == 0)[0]] # delete self-loops
UEL = unique(EL)
EL = vectorize(dict(zip(UEL, arange(len(UEL)))).__getitem__)(EL) # make indexing after 0 for igraph
gig = igraph.Graph()
print("Number of nodes: ", gig.vcount()) # number of vertices
print("Number of edges: ", gig.ecount()) # number of edges
Number of nodes: 1481 Number of edges: 7694
Visualization of the graph:
pEL = EL[:1000]
pUEL = unique(pEL)
pEL = vectorize(dict(zip(pUEL, arange(len(pUEL)))).__getitem__)(pEL) # make indexing after 0 for igraph
gig = igraph.Graph()
out_fig_name = "graph.eps"
visual_style = {}
# Set vertex size
visual_style["vertex_size"] = 5
# Don't curve the edges
visual_style["edge_curved"] = False
# Set the layout
my_layout = gig.layout_fruchterman_reingold()
visual_style["layout"] = my_layout
# Plot the graph
igraph.plot(gig, out_fig_name, **visual_style)
For a more detailed graph investigations check: